Social and Regional Dialects

1). What’s are dialects?

R/: The dialects of a language are the mutually intelligible forms that differ in systematic ways from each other. Dialects develop because languages change, and the changes that occur in one group or area may differ from those that occur in another.
2). What’s regional dialects?
R/: Each version of the language based on geographic region.
3). Wich are the regional dialects differences?
R/: Dialect differences include phonological or pronunciation differences (often called accents, vocabulary distinctions, and syntactic rule differences.
 Phonological Differences: When we talk about phonology, we talk of the differences like when a letter drop or some variations.
Lexical Differences: When we talk about of lexical differences we want to say that a words people use for the same object differ for other people, in other word, an object has a name, maybe in other part of the country the same object receive other name.
Syntactic Differences: When we talk about syntactic, we refer in the structure of the sentences of the paragraph, in this context people use a structure maybe in other part of the country use other way for say the same thing.
For example:
John will eat and Mary will eat = John and Mary will eat
John will eat and Mary will eat = John will eat and Mary
All those things are responsible for regional dialects in a language.
4). What’s are social dialects?
R/: A social dialect is really called a "social REGISTER" of a specific language. It refers to the type of speech, pronunciation, and vocabulary used to communicate in the language with a specific social class or group within the greater society. Social dialects arise when groups are isolated socially.
5). What’s the ‘’Standard’’ English?
R/:  Standar American English (SAE) is a dialect of English that many Americans nearly speak; divergences from this ''norm'' are labeled ''Philadelphia dialect,'' ''Chicago dialect,'' ''African American English, and so on.

6 What is chicano English (ChE)  and where we can find it?
R/:It is a dialect of American English spoken primarily by Mexican Americans, particularly in the Southwestern United States, ranging from Texas to California but also apparent in Chicago.
It is even the native dialect of some speakers who know little to no Spanish Many of the differences, however, depend on the social context of the speaker.

7 Some differences between Chicano English (ChE) and Satandard American English (SAE).
R/:Linguistic differences of this sort that vary with the social situation of the speaker are termed sociolinguistic variables.
Phonological differences between ChE and SAE reveal the influence of Spanish on ChE. For example, English has eleven vowel phonemes (not counting the diphthongs), Spanish, however, has only five. When this is done, several homonyms reslt that have distinct pronunciation in SAE. Other differences involve consonants and also, some consonants are devoiced.ChE has word final vonsonat cluster reduction. War and Ward are both pronounced like war, star and start like star. Chicano English speakers merge æ and ?, so man and men are homophonous as. ? and i mergers into [i], so ship and sheep are pronounced like the latter.Final consonant deletion Final consonant deletion The verbe to be is often not present, for example; this is a school (SAE) / this a school (ChE).
In chicano English the /-ed/ suffix which forms the past tense maker is not produced due to the phonological that prohibit  the clustering of consonants at the end of words. Example; yesterday, he start selling newspaper. etc

8 Why Chicano English is considered a dialect ?
R/:It is considered a dialect of English because is a variation of English, it has the same structure but whit little differences like stress word and phrases, a mix between English and Spanish like (vato= guy), (simon= yes), etc.

8). What factors influence people to speak dialects?
R/: There are many things that influence in the way of the people speak different those thing are: age, sex, social situation and when the language was learned.
9). Why language is unique?
R/: All this things we can see the difference in the grammatical rules, pronunciation, that happen because the language is unique for each person who speak, obviously for each language there is a social conventions for how we have to speak a language, but the language is not static, the language change through time, for this reason the language for part of the people from a specific area.    
10). What is the difference between a dialect and an accent?
R/: Dialect 
dialect  is a variety of language differing in vocabulary and grammar as well as pronunciation. Dialects are usually spoken by a group united by geography or class.
When a standard language and pronunciation are defined by a group, an accent may be any pronunciation that deviates from that standard. 

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